Upcoming Event
Event Name: Historic Banksia Tour
Event Occurs: Once
Event Description: We all know and love Banksia as the Aiken County Historical Museum. Some remember it as the Library or even the University. But have you ever wondered how it looked as a private home?

Join one of our wonderful volunteer docents on a tour of the Winter Colony home of Richard Flint Howe and find out just how much this wonderful building has changed in its 80+ years.

The tour is limited to 15 attendees. Call the Museum at 803.642.2015 to reserve a spot. The tour is free, but you must have a reservation. Guests must be able to climb and descend stairs as there are no elevators inside the historic structure.
Event Class: General
Contact Person or Organization: Aiken County Historical Museum
Website Address: www.facebook.com/aikencountymuseum
Contact Phone: 803.642.2015
Contact Email: museum@aikencountysc.gov
Start Date/Time: 9/26/2023 1:00 PM
End Date/Time: 9/26/2023
Directions: Aiken County Historical Museum
433 Newberry St SW
Aiken, SC 29801