Upcoming Event
Event Name: Paradise MX AMA Race
Event Occurs: Once
Event Description: Come see who becomes the "Best of the South" at the first Paradise MX American Motorcyclist Association Race of the season.

Friday, March 10 |Gates open 3pm to 10pm | Entry $20/person
Saturday, March 11th | Gates open 7:30am to 10pm | Entry $15/person
Sunday, March 12th | Gates open at 6am | Entry $15/person
Kids 3 & under are free
Event Class: General
Contact Person or Organization: Paradise MX
Website Address: www.paradisemotoclub.com
Contact Phone: 609.618.5565
Contact Email: paradisemotocross@gmail.com
Start Date/Time: 3/10/2023 3:00 PM
End Date/Time: 3/10/2023 10:00 PM
Directions: Paradise MX
3302 Barton Rd
Fairfax, SC 29827

Paradise MX AMA Race | Thoroughbred CountryParadise MX AMA Race