Upcoming Event
Event Name: Aiken Community Theatre: Guacamole Queens
Event Occurs: Daily
Event Description: The Verdeen cousins of Sweetgum, Texas are at it again. Can they pull off the ultimate high school reunion before the old building is demolished? Or will the exploits and shenanigans of all their family, friends, and enemies ruin it all? Follow their side-splitting antics to see who will be crowned the final Guacamole Queen of Sweetgum High.

Show Dates:
July 12-14
July 18-20
Event Class: Arts & Culture
Contact Person or Organization: Aiken Community Theatre
Website Address: https://aikencommunitytheatre.org
Contact Phone: 803.648.1438
Contact Email: info@aikencommunitytheatre.org
Start Date/Time: 7/12/2024 7:30 PM
End Date/Time: 7/13/2024
Directions: Aiken Community Theatre
126 Newberry ST SE
Aiken, SC 29801