Upcoming Event
Event Name: Aiken Antique Show
Event Occurs: Once
Event Description: February 2-4, 2024
The Aiken Center for the Arts' Aiken Antique Show is celebrating its 24rd year. Come experience and celebrate one of the Southeast's most distinctive events. The show and Sale will feature vintage pieces for gardens as well as high quality antique furniture, paintings, lighting, jewelry and rugs.

The Aiken Antique Show is the largest fundraising event for the Aiken Center for the Arts. Proceeds help to support access to the arts, art education, cultural activities, and art exhibits, as well as community outreach and the Center's day to day operations. The event enables us to fund scholarships for classes, camps, programs, and art instruction allowing the Aiken Center for the Arts to offer unparalleled learning experiences to interested children and adults throughout the CSRA. We invite you to discover the many things that the Aiken Center for the Arts has to offer, including classes, concerts, lectures, and exhibits, and many volunteer opportunities.
Event Class: Arts & Culture
Contact Person or Organization: Aiken Center for the Arts
Website Address: www.aikenantiqueshow.com
Contact Phone: 803.641.9094
Contact Email: admin@aikencenterforthearts.org
Start Date/Time: 2/4/2024 11:00 AM
End Date/Time: 2/4/2024 4:00 PM
Directions: Aiken Center for the Arts
122 Laurens St SW
Aiken, SC 29801