Upcoming Event
Event Name: Tuesdays in the Park
Event Occurs: Weekly
Event Description: The Winter season gives us the chance to share Bruce's Field with our local equestrian community.
Jumper and Hunter rings and a Dressage arena.
Our Tuesday schooling days provide an excellent opportunity for riders to prepare for all of their upcoming competitions in world class arenas.

Tuesdays in the Park occurs weekly January 9 to March 12 (no Tuesday schooling on February 27th).
Free & Open to the Public
Gates Open at 7:15AM
Event Class: Equestrian
Contact Person or Organization: Aiken Horse Park Foundation
Website Address: www.aikenhorsepark.org/tuesdays
Contact Phone: 803.830.7077
Contact Email: kate@aikenhorsepark.org
Start Date/Time: 1/9/2024 7:45 AM
End Date/Time: 2/20/2024 4:00 PM
Directions: Aiken Horse Park Foundation
931 Powderhouse Rd SE
Aiken, SC 29803