Upcoming Event
Event Name: Exhibit: Black History in Aiken's Equine Industry
Event Occurs: Daily
Event Description: In celebration of Black History Month, an exhibit celebrating the contributions made by Aiken's African-American community to the equine industry will be on display at the Aiken Thoroughbred Racing Hall of Fame & Museum. The exhibit will include highlights from the careers of Wilbert "Boots" Breland, who was a rider for Mrs. Ambrose Clark in the 1940's, Charlie Carter, long time groom for Greentree Stable, and Jimmy "Wink" Winkfield who worked for Pete Bostwick and was the last African-American jockey to win the Kentucky Derby (1902).

On exhibit February 1-29. Admission is free.
Event Class: Arts & Culture
Contact Person or Organization: Aiken Thoroughbred Racing Hall of Fame & Museum
Website Address: www.aikenracinghalloffame.com
Contact Phone: 803.642.7631
Contact Email: halloffame@cityofaikensc.gov
Start Date/Time: 2/1/2024 2:00 PM
End Date/Time: 2/2/2024 5:00 PM
Directions: Aiken Thoroughbred Racing Hall of Fame & Museum
135 Dupree Pl
Aiken, SC 29801