Upcoming Event
Event Name: Planetarium: Mesmerica
Event Occurs: Weekly
Event Description: An Immersive 3D art show is coming to Aiken. Dive into a world of 3D animated art, curated from artists worldwide, set to the mesmerizing music of Grammy-nominated composer and percussionist James Hood.

This immersive show is designed to transcend time, offering soothing relaxation and stimulating your mind and senses. An ideal weekend event, it's stress-relieving activity that engages both art lovers and music enthusiasts alike.

"I want 'Mesmerica' to inspire you into taking a journey with me inside the mind, to engage your senses and feelings with a miraculous alchemy of sound and light!"
- James Hood, Show Creator

*Note: All reservations and ticket sales will go through Mesmerica and not the DuPont Planetarium. Tickets are available at: https://tickets.mesmerica.com/aiken
Event Class: General
Contact Person or Organization: The DuPont Planetarium
Website Address: www.usca.edu/rpsec/departments/planetarium/public-shows
Contact Phone: 803.641.3313
Contact Email: planetarium@usca.edu
Start Date/Time: 2/2/2024 5:30 PM
End Date/Time: 2/9/2024
Directions: The DuPont Planetarium
427 Scholar Loop
Aiken, SC 29801