Upcoming Event
Event Name: Gallery Talk: Jazz! Art Quilts in Performance
Event Occurs: Once
Event Description: The Center invites you to the gallery exhibition "Jazz! Art Quilts in Performance" featuring the African American Story Quilts of Dr. Marlene O'Bryant-Seabrook. The exhibit, set in the vibrant era of the Renaissance, will run from April to June 2024 at the CAAHAC Main Gallery.

The opening gallery talk will take place on Thursday, April 4th, at 5:30 pm, offering an opportunity to delve into the artistry behind Dr. O'Bryant-Seabrook's quilts. Historian Wayne O'Bryant, son of Dr. O'Bryant-Seabrook, will facilitate the gallery talk.

Dr. Marlene O'Bryant-Seabrook (1933-2017) was a distinguished educator and the first African American Professor at the Citadel. Following her retirement, she gained acclaim as a Fiber Artist. Her collection includes 40 African American History Quilts, with themes ranging from Gullah to Historical Figures. The "Jazz! Art Quilts in Performance" exhibit features 11 original works capturing the essence of jazz in the Renaissance era.
Event Class: Arts & Culture
Contact Person or Organization: The Center for African American History, Art & Culture
Website Address: www.caahac.org
Contact Phone: 803.508.5719
Contact Email: CAAHAC@cityofaikensc.gov
Start Date/Time: 4/4/2024 5:30 PM
End Date/Time: 4/4/2024
Directions: The Center for African American History, Art & Culture
120 York Street NE
Aiken, SC 29801