Upcoming Event
Event Name: The Etherredge Center Cultural Series - The Concert Truck
Event Occurs: Once
Event Description: The Concert Truck is a mobile music venue that strengthens communities by redefining the concert experience and making live music accessible to all. Impassioned by their love for music and belief in its emotional power, pianists Nick Luby and Susan Zhang (an Augusta, GA native) converted a 16-foot box truck into a fully functioning mobile concert hall, complete with lights, sound system and piano. Since then, The Concert Truck has toured across the country, presenting concerts in city streets, music and arts festivals, schools, neighborhoods, parks...anywhere you can think to park a truck.

Tickets on sale beginning August 2nd: https://etherredgecenter.universitytickets.com
Event Class: Arts & Culture
Contact Person or Organization: The Etherredge Center
Website Address: www.usca.edu/etherredge-center
Contact Phone: 803.641.3305
Contact Email: boxoffice@usca.edu
Start Date/Time: 9/8/2024 2:00 PM
End Date/Time: 9/8/2024 4:00 PM
Directions: USCA Etherredge Center
340 Scholar Loop
Aiken, SC 29801