Upcoming Event
Event Name: The Etherredge Center Cultural Series - Yamato The Drummers of Japan
Event Occurs: Once
Event Description: YAMATO is a Japanese Taiko drumming group based in Asuka-mura Nara Prefecture which is well known by Japanese people as the hometown of Japanese drumming. Founded in 1993, these amazing drummers have performed in fifty-four countries around the world. This is their first American tour since 2020.

YAMATO's Taiko work cannot be fully described by the word "performance." On stage, they stand with more than 40 Taiko drums, all of which have different characters. The largest drum called "Odaiko," is produced from a huge tree over 400 years old, is approximately two meters in diameter and weighs 500 kg. All other Taiko drums are different sizes and each have different sounds.

The members of the group train their bodies extensively to beat the massive Taiko drums. While Taiko drums can explode with sound, they can also produce delicate music that provides the listener with a palette of meticulously crafted notes. This is why YAMATO's performances are known as "Physical Music," and their performances receive high acclaim all over the world.

Tickets on sale beginning August 2nd: https://etherredgecenter.universitytickets.com
Event Class: Arts & Culture
Contact Person or Organization: The Etherredge Center
Website Address: www.usca.edu/etherredge-center
Contact Phone: 803.641.3305
Contact Email: boxoffice@usca.edu
Start Date/Time: 2/11/2025 7:00 PM
End Date/Time: 2/11/2025
Directions: USCA Etherredge Center
340 Scholar Loop
Aiken, SC 29801