Upcoming Event
Event Name: Aiken Land Conservancy Hike
Event Occurs: Once
Event Description: After a summer hiatus, the Aiken Land Conservancy Public Hike Series is up and running again. The first hike of the season will take place at the recently-acquired Korn Tract. This ALC-owned property conserves 302-acres of intact sandhill, frontage along Pond Branch, and a bluff that provides a sweeping view over eastern Aiken County. Several interesting plant and animal species occupy the property. During the hike, we will discuss how this property came to be protected and what the future holds for it.

Though portions of this hike will take place on forest roads and fire breaks, please note that there is no trail system and some bushwhacking will be involved. We will be walking on uneven ground and, potentially, in places where your feet might get wet. This hike is for those with a sense of adventure and, for those less comfortable with this kind of hiking, we recommend waiting to join us on a hike to a property with more infrastructure and trails.

Parking is limited and online registration is required.

Where: Park at the main kiosk for the Aiken Gopher Tortoise Heritage Preserve on Oak Ridge Club Road or other nearby parking areas. We will shuttle participants down the road to the property entrance.
When: Saturday, September 7th, 9:00-11:00 AM
What to Bring: Water, boots, binoculars, camera/phone
Trail Condition and Distance: A combination of flat forest roads and uneven terrain on sand. Bushwhacking will be involved. Total distance will be approximately 3 to 3.5 miles.

Event Class: General
Contact Person or Organization: Aiken Land Conservancy
Website Address: www.conserveaiken.org
Contact Phone: 855.252.5263
Contact Email: mail@ConserveAiken.org
Start Date/Time: 9/7/2024 9:00 AM
End Date/Time: 9/7/2024 11:00 AM
Directions: ALC Korn Tract
Aiken Gopher Tortoise Heritage Preserve
Oak Ridge Club Road
Windsor, SC