Upcoming Event
Event Name: Tap Into Nuclear
Event Occurs: Once
Event Description: Tap Into Nuclear - AYP Kickoff with the Aiken Chamber of Commerce

Young (and not so young) professionals are invited to join CNTA members. CNTA's Young Professionals Committee aims to tap into the experience of CNTA's accomplished members by hosting professional development sessions, networking and community activities.

Light refreshments provided.
Attendance is free, no RSVP required. If you have questions email office@cntaware.org.
Event Class: General
Contact Person or Organization: Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness
Website Address: https://cntaware.org/tap-into-nuclear
Contact Phone: 803.649.3456
Contact Email: office@cntaware.org
Start Date/Time: 1/23/2025 5:30 PM
End Date/Time: 1/23/2025 7:00 PM
Directions: SRS Museum
224 Laurens St SW
Aiken, SC 29801