Upcoming Event
Event Name: Planetarium: Seven Wonders
Event Occurs: Weekly
Event Description: The DuPont Planetarium is open for public showings every Saturday. All shows last one hour unless otherwise noted. Each show includes a live "sky tonight" portion. Weather permitting, the RPSEC Observatory, housing the Bechtel Telescope, will be open for viewing after each show.

Travel back thousands of years in time and witness spectacular marvels of the ancient world. Explore the Great Pyramid, stand in the shadow of the towering Colossus and experience the rest of the world's phenomenal Seven Wonders. We will investigate the social forces and technologies leading to the creation of these incredible antiquities and glimpse other sensational spectacles of the universe. This show won four Telly Awards and is narrated by Sean Bean of The Lord of the Rings films.

For ticket information, visit www.usca.edu/rpsec/departments/planetarium/public-shows
Event Class: General
Contact Person or Organization: The DuPont Planetarium
Website Address: www.usca.edu/rpsec/departments/planetarium/public-shows
Contact Phone: 803.641.3313
Contact Email: planetarium@usca.edu
Start Date/Time: 1/4/2025 8:00 PM
End Date/Time: 1/25/2025
Directions: DuPont Planetarium
427 Scholar Loop
Aiken, SC 29801