Upcoming Event
Event Name: Exhibit: The Art & Artistry of Shawn Haynes
Event Occurs: Daily
Event Description: On exhibit in the gallery of USC Aiken's Etherredge Center, February 7-March 16, 2025
The Art & Artistry of Shawn Haynes

"As far back as I can remember," Shawn says, "every part of my life has felt like a work of art- the way I arranged my toys, the direction I chose when walking the aisles of the grocery store, or the collection of notebooks I picked out at the beginning of a new school year. It seems as if my memories are snippets of organized color and movement." Haynes goes on to add: "As a South Carolina native, those visual snapshots are framed with smells and sounds of the diverse landscapes and varied cultures that have made me whole. These sensations are ever present as I attempt to visually express impressionistic and abstract renditions of the compositions in my mind."

Haynes is an alum of the University of South Carolina, where she received her BFA and MAT. After years of teaching high school artists, she now works full time as an artist, "dreaming of new ways to express her eclectic visions."

Exhibit is free and open to the public.

Gala Opening Reception and Artist Talk on February 7 at 6:00 PM (ticketed event). Tickets available at: https://etherredgecenter.universitytickets.com
Event Class: Arts & Culture
Contact Person or Organization: The Etherredge Center
Website Address: www.usca.edu/etherredge-center
Contact Phone: 803.641.3305
Contact Email: boxoffice@usca.edu
Start Date/Time: 2/17/2025 8:30 AM
End Date/Time: 2/21/2025
Directions: USCA Etherredge Center
340 Scholar Loop
Aiken, SC 29801