Upcoming Event
Event Name: *Sold Out* Annual Aiken Oyster Roast: One Shell of a Good Time
Event Occurs: Once
Event Description: Join The Gifting Tree Foundation for 'One Shell of a Good Time' on Saturday, February 22nd 2025.

The all-inclusive event will feature roasted oysters & a low country boil (shrimp, corn, potatoes) provided by JC's Seafood as well as beer, wine, soft drinks and water. Music will be provided by Anybody's Guess.

For more information, email info@giftingtree.org.

This event is a fundraiser for The Gifting Tree Foundation.
Event Class: General
Contact Person or Organization: The Gifting Tree Foundation
Website Address: www.giftingtree.org/events
Contact Email: info@giftingtree.org
Start Date/Time: 2/22/2025 6:00 PM
End Date/Time: 2/22/2025 10:00 PM
Directions: Western Carolina State Fairgrounds
561 May Royal Drive
Aiken, SC 29801