Tailored Tours of Aiken
TailoredToursAiken | Thoroughbred Country
Location:  Aiken, SC
City:  Aiken
Phone:  803-295-3870
Website:  http://www.tailoredtoursofaiken.com/
Email:  tailoredtoursofaiken@yahoo.com
Description:  Tailored Tours of Aiken is a guided tour service that provides driving tours for private parties from two to five people. They offer several different types of tours such as historic Aiken, graveyards, historic churches, or African-American history. Please note, if you don't see a tour that interests you, call and they will be happy to accommodate you. After all, their tours are TAILORED to your interests. Tailored Tours are available Monday through Saturday throughout the year. Sundays can be reserved but only with a 48 hour advanced booking notice. All tours are given by an experienced, certified guide who is knowledgeable about Aiken history and Southern history. We recommend you reserve your tour by calling or emailing them. All tours are for private single groups, so time slots fill quickly. Reservations required.